Team Leader - Son Doong porter team

Ho Khanh is a renowned figure in the world of caving, born in Phong Nha-Quang Binh province, Vietnam. He discovered the majestic Son Doong Cave, currently known as the largest cave on earth, by sheer luck while out hunting in 1990. The cave's staggering size and darkness left him stunned and he couldn't fully explore it at the time. It wasn't until 2008, when he guided a group of British cave explorers through the jungle, that the world finally saw the wonder that is Son Doong Cave.

This discovery opened up a new world for Ho Khanh, and since then he has been unstoppable, charting new caves and territories and sharing his passion for caving with the world. He joined the Oxalis team and has been an integral part of it for the last 10 years. He started as a porter and eventually became the leader of the Son Doong porter team. His daily routine involves meticulous preparation for the Son Doong tour, assigning roles and responsibilities to his team of porters, coordinating and supervising their work, and working in harmony with the tour guide to ensure a seamless tour experience for visitors. Ho Khanh also ensures that safety is a top priority during the tour. He strictly follows the rules and regulations while on tour, and his disciplined management ensures that the entire Porter team and customers remain safe throughout the journey.

Ho Khanh's expertise has earned him several international trips to the UK and the US for work and learning, and he has completed numerous technical training courses with British cave experts, further enhancing his knowledge and skills. Despite his numerous accolades, Ho Khanh remains as dedicated to his work as ever. He has participated in all survey trips in the Phong Nha area, underscoring his commitment to exploring and preserving Vietnam's natural wonders.

Ho Khanh's contribution to customer satisfaction goes beyond just providing a fun and exciting tour, but also helps to create a positive impact on the environment and the community. By answering questions and offering insights, he helps customers understand the significance and importance of these caves, making the tour not just an adventure, but also a learning opportunity.

This creates a sense of connection between the customers and the environment, fostering a desire to protect and preserve these natural wonders for future generations to enjoy. His fervour for exploration, dedication to his work, and commitment to preserving the splendour of Vietnam's caves are why Oxalis is honoured to have him on the team.