
A trip to Phong Nha is incomplete without accommodation that adds to your overall travel experience by bringing you closer to a symphony of traditions, food, people and nature.

When you arrive in Phong Nha, you’ll be amazed to see the huge range of options available to choose from. You can opt for a hostel where you can simply just kick back, or a homestay where you feel like part of a local family. Hotels treat you to a luxury experience, whereas rustic resorts give you an authentic Phong Nha experience.

Phong Nha is indeed special in this regard, making you want to leave everything behind and spend the rest of your life here in the adventure capital of Asia.

Check out our Top places to stay in Phong Nha below!

Please be aware that all suggested accommodations (except Oxalis Home, Chay Lap Farmstay, and Blue Diamond Retreat) operate entirely independently of Oxalis Adventure. This information is given in good faith, and Oxalis Adventure accepts no responsibility for the services provided by any other company.

Hotels in Phong Nha

Below, some hotels we would recommend in Phong Nha.

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