The Oxalis Business Principles

Our mission is to create a world-class adventure tourism business in Quang Binh Province, Viet Nam. We provide professional and high-quality tourism experiences to both local and international travelers, while also supporting the local community by involving local people in our tourism business supply chain.

Oxalis Priorities

Safety - Conservation - Community Involvement


Oxalis Adventure is offering adventure caving and trekking tours at remote jungle and cave locations in Quang Binh province, central Vietnam. Ensuring safety for guests and staff has always been a top priority at Oxalis. We organize small groups from 10 to 12 people at a time, except Hang En Cave tour which has a maximum of 16 guests.

Guests and staff will be provided with personal safety equipment such as helmet, light, gloves for caving and buoyancy aid for swimming where needed on the regular adventure tours. In some of the expedition tours a higher level of technical support such as climbing ropes, ladders, sit harness, chest harness, lifeline and belay for extra safety will be provided and operated by the safety team. All of the equipment Oxalis Adventure is using has been sourced from established and reliable equipment manufacturers such as Petzl, Beal, Hope Technology. Safety equipment is tested for use and well maintained in accordance with EU safety standards.

Depending on the type of adventure tour and adventure level, Oxalis Adventure will provide an appropriate number of cave experts, guides, safety assistants, and porters to look after safety for guests.

All guides and safety assistants are trained by Cave Experts from The British Vietnam Caving Expedition Team on the use and operation of safety equipment. The Caving Experts also regularly conduct inspections of the equipment and its use in compliance with safety standards.


Health is an essential aspect of our safety standards. Oxalis Adventure has always taken health and food hygiene as our top priorities since day one of operation. All guests and staff are provided with filtered drinking water at all times. The filters are from Watts Water Technologies, a US company. All staff know that if they are sick, they should not go on the tour.

Liquid hand sanitizer is always provided, and campsites have soap and water hand washing stations. Staff who prepare meals are fully trained in food hygiene standards, including avoiding cross-contamination between raw and cooked food, using gloves when handling food, washing cooking and eating items with soap and water, and sterilizing them with boiling water, etc.

Oxalis Adventure regularly conducts deep cleaning of the campsite using sodium hypochlorite (anolyte) and Chloramin B. Sleeping bags and tents will also have a decontamination wash. Our cooks undergo health checks every 6 months, while porters and guides have annual health checks. Oxalis stays updated on any local or international health issues that may impact our guests.


Environmental conservation and sustainable environmental practices are visible on every tour. Within the caves, strict paths are set so that erosion is kept to a minimum and delicate formations are protected. National Park rangers also join tours that run within the national park to ensure that Oxalis Adventure is protecting it.

Everything that is brought into the jungle or caves is also brought out and there is no permanent infrastructure. Composting toilets are set up at campsites to protect the jungle and waterways from raw waste. We also conduct regular environmental impact assessments. Tours are closed for several months each year for the jungle and caves to recover.

Each year, between mid-September to mid-November, Oxalis Adventure will close the jungle and caves to avoid bad weather and also to give the jungle and the caves sometimes to "rest". Environmental impact assessments are also carried out regularly, such as checking water quality to ensure there is not any negative impact on surrounding rivers.

Community Involvement

Empowering the local economy is a fundamental principle of the Oxalis Adventure philosophy, and it has been since the beginning. As we continue to grow, more locals are employed, including sales executives, operations team members, accountants, tour guides, kitchen and hotel staff, and the porter team.

Oxalis considers the involvement of the local community in its tourism activities as a "business strategy" rather than a "responsible tourism" obligation. The local community adds value to the experience of visitors, who can appreciate the unique and rich aspects of the local culture and nature. Oxalis also empowers the local community to not only participate but also own and operate the tourism services they provide.

The Oxalis Foundation

Enhances community sustainability.

Sustainability within the community context is enhanced by the activities of the Oxalis Foundation. The Oxalis Foundation has launched several projects since its creation in 2014, including providing financial support to local homestays, training assistance to local businesses, scholarships, and helping to build schools, septic toilets, libraries, building floating houses for poor people in the heavily flooded area of Tan Hoa and more.


Oxalis Adventure is a transparent company that complies with Vietnamese laws and regulations. Oxalis Adventure pays taxes, social insurance, and environmental fees according to the law. Oxalis Adventure also uses PwC, or other Big 4 audit firms, to audit its financial statements and ensure accountability. Oxalis Adventure believes that transparency is essential for building trust and credibility with our customers, partners, and community. Oxalis is also dedicated to social accountability and labor law.

Our Goals

Oxalis Adventure strives for green tourism and is working towards Net Zero goals in the near future. Oxalis has adopted practical solutions to reduce its environmental impact since day one. Our tours involve trekking on forest trails and using water filters for drinking, and composting toilets for waste. Everything that is brought into the jungle or caves is also brought out. All campsites use solar power for lighting and charging equipment. By committing to green travel, Oxalis can ensure the proper conservation of nature for present and future generations.

The Oxalis Experience.

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Whether you prefer long treks, camping in a cave, sleeping under the stars in the jungle, swimming underground in river caves, explore the huge dry caves or just taking an exploratory day trip, Oxalis Adventure Tours can provide the right amount of adventure just for you.

Multi-day packages

Overnight tours

Day tours

Family tours