Oxalis Adventure and Intertek Vietnam Join Forces to Achieve Net-Zero Goal.

Oxalis Adventure, the leading adventure tour operator in Vietnam, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Intertek Vietnam, a global leader in quality assurance and testing, to implement carbon zero and work towards net zero goals. The MOU was signed on December 13th, 2023, in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

The MOU outlines the collaboration between the two companies to measure, reduce, and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions from Oxalis Adventure's operations and supply chain, as well as to enhance its sustainability performance and reporting.

Oxalis Adventure is committed to providing world-class adventure tourism experiences in Quang Binh Province, home of the world's largest cave, Hang Son Doong, and other spectacular caves and jungles. Oxalis Adventure is also dedicated to protecting the environment, conserving the natural resources, and supporting the local communities.

Intertek Vietnam will provide Oxalis Adventure with its Total Quality Assurance solutions, including carbon footprint assessment, carbon reduction strategies, applicable certification(s), sustainability consulting, as well as attaining a net zero verification. Intertek Vietnam will also help Oxalis Adventure to identify and implement the best practices and technologies to reduce its emissions and increase its use of renewable energy sources.

By signing the MOU, Oxalis Adventure and Intertek Vietnam demonstrate their leadership and ambition in addressing the climate crisis and contributing to the global net zero movement. Oxalis Adventure aims to become the first adventure tour operator in Vietnam to achieve net zero emissions ahead of the national target of 2050.

Mr. Nguyen Chau A, the founder and CEO of Oxalis Adventure, said: "We are very excited to partner with Intertek Vietnam, a trusted and reputable company, to help us achieve our net zero goal. We believe that this collaboration will not only benefit our business, but also our customers, our partners, and our planet. We hope to inspire other tourism businesses in Vietnam and beyond to join us in this journey toward a net zero future."

Mr. Ayush Dhital, Regional Managing Director Asia Pacific of Intertek, said: "We are delighted to work with Oxalis Adventure, a pioneer and innovator in adventure tourism, to support their net zero vision and mission. We are confident that our Total Quality Assurance solutions will help Oxalis Adventure to measure, manage, and improve their carbon footprint and sustainability performance. We look forward to a long-term and fruitful partnership with Oxalis Adventure to create a positive impact for the environment and society."

The Oxalis Experience.

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Whether you prefer long treks, camping in a cave, sleeping under the stars in the jungle, swimming underground in river caves, explore the huge dry caves or just taking an exploratory day trip, Oxalis Adventure Tours can provide the right amount of adventure just for you.

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