Toilets on The Oxalis Adventure Tour
Many years ago, trekking in the jungle, people would often dig holes to make temporary toilets, then use sand or dirt to cover them afterward. Oxalis Adventure realized that digging holes to make toilets and burying directly will have the risk of contaminating underground water, especially in the upstream areas of streams, and the landscape around the camping area, especially campsites located inside caves. We have researched and built a model of Oxalis Composting Toilet - a septic toilet using a dry composting system, which is environmentally friendly and used at all the campsites of all tours that the company runs.
Design of The Oxalis composting toilet
Oxalis Composting Toilet has a toilet seat like modern toilets in hotels or homes today. Underneath the seat are buckets and waste bags, all inside a metal box. The toilet is put inside the tent specifically designed for the toilet, with good ventilation, quite comfortable and also discreet. In the Oxalis Composting Toilet, we provide toilet paper, hand sanitizer, a bucket of rice husks thich are used to cover up your “product” and a washing station outside after you finish with your endeavor.
Oxalis Composting Toilet in the Oxalis tours.
How Oxalis operates the toilet system
Oxalis Composting Toilet uses rice husks that are brought in by the porters from the office and does not use water. After the guest has finished using the toilet (including number one and number 2), the guest uses a plastic cup to scoop a nice quantity of rice husk into the waste bin and bag (under the toilet seat). The amount of rice husks poured inside should be enough to eliminate odors as well as cover up the waste. The camp master will regularly check the toilets and waste containers during the day. When the bucket is nearly full, the staff will replace it with a new one, and pack the waste up, then take it out of the cave to the composting area in accordance with regulations.
Oxalis Composting Toilet's microbial composting areas are located in dry, covered locations to prevent rainwater from flowing inside. The areas are located high above any water courses and flood zones. The husk will dry the waste and eliminate odors. Within about 2 months, the waste will decompose by itself and turn into a fertilizer that is beneficial to forest trees and does not harm the environment.
Operating process of Oxalis Composting Toilet.
Despite being in remote conditions, the creation of the Oxalis Composting Toilet model has made customers feel safe and comfortable when going on tour with Oxalis. Many discerning travelers have come to appreciate this toilet over the years. But we don’t stop just there. Every year based on the feedback of customers and staff and research from Oxalis staff, the composting toilet is regularly upgraded and improved to make sure everyone can be comfortable when using it. Although Oxalis Composting Toilet is not as modern as at home or in a hotel, it still creates basic amenities for customers to use in the most comfortable way. These toilets are provided with toilet paper, are easy to use, have comfortable, clean seats, are odorless and located in a private location in the campground.
Oxalis always wants to bring the most comfort and convenience possible for the customers when they stay at the camp in remote, unspoiled jungle while still ensuring environmental friendliness, and the creation of Oxalis Composting Toilet also aims to fulfill that purpose. Hopefully, Oxalis will receive many comments/feedback or ideas to improve the service and further improve the customer experience.
Oxalis Composting Toilet at campsites.
The Oxalis Experience.
Whether you prefer long treks, camping in a cave, sleeping under the stars in the jungle, swimming underground in river caves, explore the huge dry caves or just taking an exploratory day trip, Oxalis Adventure Tours can provide the right amount of adventure just for you.